Ameliethe on DeviantArt

Deviation Actions

Ameliethe's avatar

Vintage dream ps actions



I'm very happy that i could do my first action set for ps..:aww:

I really love vintage photos...and because that..i made for u a set of vintage action :dance:

***If u like it and wish to use it..PLEASE FAV IT ..thank u for understanding me :heart:***

---This set of actions have:
1) dark vintage actions,actions.
2) green vintage action,actions.
3) yellow vintage action,actions
4) dark vintage action,actions
5) simple vintage action,actions
6) white and contrast of those colors (actions)

This photo it's by me and u can find it in my gallery too named "My dream is to fly" that u can find it here [link] and this actions set it's FREE to use it :D
Hope u like it..and hope u like it too...cause i really do...especially the umbrella :giggle:

Now for your help i wanna tell u some to use this actions set :

1.Click "Dolwnload" from left up
2.Type "Copy"On the action file and then go to your ps program and in "Actions" folder press "Paste"
3.Then open Photoshop program,and click on the "Actions" from right(this depends of what ps u have)
4.Then enjoy and chose what do u like :aww:

Thank u :blowkiss:


All my artworks are copyrighted © Amy Iulya 2007-2009 .You may not use,copy,edit my works under my written permission !
If u have any question send me an email.
© 2008 - 2024 Ameliethe
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Thanks so much.